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Законодательство Российской Федерации

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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                         FORMER FIRST SECTION
                      CASE OF BAKLANOV v. RUSSIA
                      (Application No. 68443/01)
                             JUDGMENT <*>
                        (Strasbourg, 9.VI.2005)
       <*>  This  judgment will become final in the circumstances  set
   out  in  Article  44 з 2 of the Convention. It may  be  subject  to
   editorial revision.
       In the case of Baklanov v. Russia,
       The  European  Court  of Human Rights (Former  First  Section),
   sitting as a Chamber composed of:
       Mr C.L. Rozakis, President,
       Mr P. Lorenzen,
       Mr G. Bonello,
       Mrs F. Tulkens,
       Mrs N. {Vajic} <*>,
       <*> Здесь и далее по тексту слова на национальном языке набраны
   латинским шрифтом и выделены фигурными скобками.
       Mr A. Kovler,
       Mr V. Zagrebelsky, judges,
       and Mr S. Nielsen, Section Registrar,
       Having  deliberated in private on 16 September 2004 and  on  19
   May 2005,
       Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the last-
   mentioned date:
       1. The case originated in an application (No. 68443/01) against
   the  Russian Federation lodged with the Court under Article  34  of
   the  Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and  Fundamental
   Freedoms  ("the  Convention")  by a  Latvian  national,  Mr  Viktor
   Mikhaylovich Baklanov ("the applicant"), on 23 March 2001.
       2.  The  applicant was represented by Mr A. N. Gurov, a  lawyer
   practising  in  Moscow. The Russian Government  ("the  Government")
   were  represented  by  Mr P.A. Laptev, the  Representative  of  the
   Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights.
       3. The applicant alleged that he was deprived of his money by a
   judgment which contained no legal grounds for the forfeiture.
       4.  The  application was allocated to the First Section of  the
   Court  (Rule  52 з 1 of the Rules of Court). Within  that  Section,
   the  Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 з  1  of  the
   Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 з 1.
       5.  By  a  decision  of  6  May 2003, the  Court  declared  the
   application admissible.
       6.  On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its
   Sections  (Rule  25 з 1), but this case remained with  the  Chamber
   constituted within Former First Section.
       7.  The applicant and the Government each filed observations on
   the  merits  (Rule  59  з  1). The Chamber  having  decided,  after
   consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was  required
   (Rule  59  з  3  in fine), the parties replied in writing  to  each
   other's  observations.  In  addition,  third-party  comments   were
   received  from  the  Latvian Government, which  had  exercised  its
   right to intervene (Article 36 з 1 of the Convention and Rule 44  з
   1  (b)). The respondent Government replied to those comments  (Rule
   44 з 5).
                               THE FACTS
                   I. The circumstances of the case
       8. The applicant was born in 1957 and lives in Riga.
       9.  In  1997  he  decided to move from  Latvia  to  Russia.  He
   negotiated a real estate deal with a Moscow-based agent.
       10.  On  20  March 1997 the applicant withdrew  from  his  bank
   accounts  250,000  US  dollars  ("USD")  in  cash  and  asked   his
   acquaintance, B., to deliver the money to Moscow.
       11.  B.  arrived in the Sheremetyevo-1 airport later  the  same
   day.  He failed to declare the money at the customs checkpoint  and
   was charged with smuggling.
       12.  On  13 September 2000, the Golovinskiy District  Court  of
   Moscow  found  B. guilty of smuggling under Article  188-1  of  the
   Criminal   Code   and  sentenced  him  to  two   years'   suspended
   imprisonment.  With  regard to the money, the  court  said  in  the
   operative part of the judgment:
       "USD  250,000,  deposited with the Sheremetyevo Customs  Board,
   are to be forfeited to the Treasury as an object of smuggling."
       13.  In  his appeal against the judgment, B.'s lawyer submitted
   that  the  Golovinskiy District Court had failed  to  indicate  any
   legal  ground for the confiscation order. He argued that the  money
   had  been  included  in  the case-file  as  evidence  and  that  no
   relevant  law  provided  for its confiscation.  Moreover,  lawfully
   obtained  assets were to be returned to their owners.  B.'s  lawyer
   also  claimed  that  Article 188-1 of the  Criminal  Code  did  not
   provide for such a sanction as confiscation.
       14.  On  25  October  2000, the Moscow City Court  refused  the
   appeal. With regard to the money, the court said:
       "USD  250,000,  which  was the object  of  the  smuggling,  was
   rightfully forfeited to the Treasury."
       15.  On  1  July  2002 a Deputy President of the Supreme  Court
   lodged   an   application  for  supervisory  review   against   the
   judgments.  He  claimed  that  the smuggled  money  could  only  be
   confiscated if proven to have been acquired criminally.
       16.  On  18  July 2002 the Presidium of the Moscow  City  Court
   refused  the application on the ground that a Ruling of the Plenary
   Supreme   Court   of  the  USSR  issued  in  1978   permitted   the
   confiscation  of  smuggled goods which had been attached  to  case-
   files as exhibits.
       17. On 15 August 2002 the Deputy President of the Supreme Court
   lodged  another application for supervisory review claiming,  among
   other  things, that the Ruling of 1978 was inconsistent with  later
   superseding  legislation.  However,  on  an  unspecified  date  the
   Deputy President of the Supreme Court withdrew his application.
                       II. Relevant domestic law
       18.  Article  169-1 of the Criminal Code of 1960, as  in  force
   from 15 July 1994 to 31 December 1996, provided:
       "The carrying across the [State] border of considerable amounts
   of  goods  or  other items... in evasion of customs controls...  or
   without  declaring [them] or with untrue declarations...  shall  be
   penalised  by imprisonment of up to five years... and by forfeiture
   of the goods and other items carried across the border..."
       18.  Article  188-1  of  the  Criminal  Code  of  1996  ("CrC")
       "Smuggling,  i.e. transportation across the customs  border  of
   the  Russian Federation of considerable amounts of goods and  other
   items...  without  due  customs control,  or  in  evasion  of  such
   control,  or  with  fraudulent use of documents  or  identification
   means,  or in violation of rules of declaration, shall be penalised
   by imprisonment of up to five years."
       19. Article 279 of the Customs Code of 1993, as in force at the
   material time, provided:
       "Failure  to  declare or an inadequate declaration of  goods...
   carried  across the customs border... which disclose no  appearance
   of  smuggling... shall be punished by a fine of 100 to 200 per cent
   of  the cost of the goods which are the object of the offence, with
   or without their forfeiture..."
       20.  The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1960 ("CCrP"), in  force
   at the relevant time, provided as follows:
                         Article 83. Exhibits
       "Exhibits  include items which served as instruments of  crime,
   or  which  have retained traces of the crime, or against which  the
   crime  was  directed.  [Exhibits also include] criminally  acquired
   money  and  other  valuables earned by crime, and any  other  items
   which  can  help detect the crime, establish factual circumstances,
   reveal   the   guilty  or  refute  the  charges   or   lessen   the
        Article 86. Destiny of exhibits in criminal proceedings
       "The  destiny of exhibits used in criminal proceedings must  be
   determined in a judgment..., and:
       1.  instruments of the crime which belong to the accused  shall
   be confiscated and passed to a competent agency or destroyed;
       2.  items  prohibited  for circulation shall  be  passed  to  a
   competent agency or destroyed;
       3.  items of no value or use shall be destroyed or returned  to
   interested persons or agencies if they so wish;
       4.   criminally  acquired  money  and  other  assets  shall  be
   forfeited;  other items shall be returned to their  lawful  owners,
   or,  if  the  owners are not established, shall become the  State's
   property.  In  the event of a dispute concerning the  ownership  of
   such items, the dispute shall be resolved in civil proceedings;
       5.  documents which serve as exhibits shall be kept in the case
   file  as  long as the case file is archived or shall be  passed  to
   interested agencies".
       21.  The Ruling of the Plenary Supreme Court of the USSR No.  2
   of  3  February  1978  ("the  Ruling of the  Supreme  Court",  "the
   Ruling") provides:
       "...With a view to ensure a uniform and correct application  of
   laws  in  proceedings  concerning smuggling,  the  Plenary  Supreme
   Court decides [that]:...
       7.  In accordance with the legislation in force, smuggled items
   must be forfeited as exhibits..."
       22. Article 243-1 of the Civil Code of 1994 ("CivC") provides:
       "In  cases established by law, a person may be deprived of  his
   property  without compensation pursuant to a court  judgment  as  a
   sanction for a crime or other offence (confiscation)..."
       23.  On  10  June  1998  the Presidium  of  the  Supreme  Court
   exercised  supervisory  review  of  the  criminal  case  against  a
   certain  Mr  Petrenko,  who  had  been  convicted  of  smuggling  a
   considerable   amount  of  foreign  currency  into  Russia.   After
   conviction,  the trial court returned the money -  which  had  been
   included  in the file as evidence - to its owner, Mr Petrenko.  The
   Supreme  Court overturned the judgment having found that the  money
   should  have been considered as an instrument of the crime and,  as
   such,  it should have been confiscated pursuant to Article 86-1  of
   the CCrP.
       24.  On 8 July 2004, the Constitutional Court held that Article
   86-1  of  the  Code of Criminal Procedure was constitutional,  even
   though  it  permitted  to  confiscate  instruments  of  crime,  for
   example  smuggled money, belonging to other than  the  accused.  In
   particular, the Constitutional Court said:
       "The  rule  set out in... Article 86-1 of the Code of  Criminal
   Procedure...   helps   Russia   implement   its   international-law
   obligations  in  criminal proceedings, does not  overrule  criminal
   laws  which permit confiscation as a punishment, and, hence, allows
   the  procedural  law  to  regulate  confiscation  with  regard   to
   [international instruments on money laundering and crime control].
       It  is  a  [criminal] court... who may determine the procedural
   status  of  [smuggled  items] under Article 86-1  of  the  Code  of
   Criminal Procedure...."
                                THE LAW
          I. Alleged violation of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
       25. The applicant complained under Article 1 of Protocol No.  1
   to  the  Convention that the Golovinskiy District  Court  forfeited
   his,  an  innocent party's, money without any basis in law. Article
   1 of Protocol No. 1 reads as follows:
       "Every  natural  or legal person is entitled  to  the  peaceful
   enjoyment  of  his  possessions. No one shall be  deprived  of  his
   possessions  except  in  the public interest  and  subject  to  the
   conditions  provided  for by law and by the general  principles  of
   international law.
       The  preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair
   the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary  to
   control  the  use  of  property  in  accordance  with  the  general
   interest  or  to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions
   or penalties."
                      A. Arguments of the parties
                           1. The Government
       26. In their pre-admissibility submissions on the admissibility
   and  merits of the case, the Government made no comments on  either
   admissibility  or merits, but informed the Court  that  the  Deputy
   President  of  the  Supreme  Court had  "taken  steps  towards  the
   restoration  of  the  applicant's rights presumably  violated"  and
   that the domestic proceedings had been resumed.
       In the proceedings on the merits, the Government submitted that
   the  applicant's money was seized pursuant to the laws  which  made
   smuggling a criminal offence. The Government referred to  the  case
   of  AGOSI  v.  the  United Kingdom (judgment of  24  October  1986,
   Series  A  No.  108) claiming that such laws may be regarded  as  a
   legitimate control of the use of the property. The balance  between
   the  means employed by the State in exercising such control and the
   interests  of  the  applicant  was  not  upset.  Furthermore,  when
   handing  the  money over to B., the applicant knew perfectly  well,
   or  should have known, that moving large amounts of cash across the
   border  was subject to special regulations. Hence, he was at  least
   guilty of negligence.
       27.  The  Government maintained that the applicant's money  was
   attached to the case-file as an exhibit, pursuant to Article 83  of
   the  CCrP. The Golovinskiy District Court found that the money  had
   been  smuggled  and  was the object of the offence.  Therefore  the
   court  reasonably forfeited the money to the Treasury as an  object
   of  smuggling. Such a practice was confirmed by the recommendations
   contained in the Ruling of the Supreme Court of 1978, according  to
   which,  objects of smuggling, as evidence, should be  forfeited  to
   the  Treasury.  The  Ruling should be regarded  as  "law"  for  the
   purposes of the Convention.
       28. Furthermore, the applicant's money should be considered  as
   "criminally  acquired" within the meaning of Article  86-4  of  the
   CCrP  because  it  found itself in the territory  of  Russia  as  a
   result  of  B.'s offence. Owners of criminally imported items  lose
   their rights to them.
       29.  The  Government  referred  to  the  case  of  the  Russian
   Federation  v.  Petrenko  (paragraph 22 above)  claiming  that  the
   confiscation  of  smuggled  items  used  as  evidence  in  criminal
   proceedings is an established judicial practice.
       30.  Last,  the  Government asserted  that  the  Constitutional
   Court's judgment of 8 July 2004 supported their arguments.
                           2. The applicant
       31.  The  applicant accepted that forfeiture of smuggled  items
   may  be regarded as a control of the use of property. However, such
   a  control  must have a basis in law. Russian law in force  at  the
   time  of  B.'s offence and the forfeiture of the applicant's  money
   did  not  provide for such a measure. Indeed, the judgment  of  the
   Golovinskiy District Court did not specify on what legal basis  the
   money was to be confiscated.
       32.  The  applicant  accepted furthermore that  the  money  was
   included  in the case-file as an exhibit. Under Article 86  of  the
   CCrP,   criminally  acquired  money  and  other  assets   must   be
   forfeited;  other  items must be returned to their  lawful  owners.
   The  court  did  not  find  that  the  money  had  been  criminally
   acquired.  Hence, it should have been considered as  "other  items"
   and returned to the applicant, its lawful owner.
       33.  The  applicant claimed that the Government's reference  to
   the  Ruling of the Supreme Court was misplaced. According  to  him,
   Soviet  criminal  laws  in  force  in  1978  did  provide  for  the
   forfeiture  of  smuggled items. However, Russian criminal  laws  in
   force  at  the  time of B.'s offence contained no  such  provision.
   Furthermore,  the  Plenary Supreme Court is not a law-making  body.
   It   may  only  clarify  existing  laws  without  distorting  their
   substantive  meaning. Therefore, the Ruling of  the  Supreme  Court
   may not be considered as grounds for the forfeiture.
       34.  The  applicant argued, lastly, that the civil legislation,
   namely  Article  243  of  the CivC, only  permits  confiscation  as
   punishment for a crime. Since B.'s offence of smuggling could  not,
   pursuant  to Article 188-1 of the CrC, be punished by confiscation,
   this measure was unlawful.
                     B. The third party's comments
       35.  The Latvian Government opined that the applicant's  rights
   were violated.
       36.  In  particular  they asserted that at  the  material  time
   Russian  law  did not provide for confiscation such as happened  in
   the  present  case. Thus, Article 188-1 of the  CrC  did  not  list
   confiscation as a sanction for smuggling.
       37.  As  for the Ruling of the Supreme Court, it could  not  be
   regarded  as "law" for the following reasons. First, in  a  country
   governed  by  the  rule of law, decisions of  the  Plenary  Supreme
   Court  may  not equal or substitute Acts adopted by the Parliament.
   Still  less  may the Supreme Court give decisions which  contradict
   such  Acts.  Next, Parliament itself passed no rule  providing  for
   confiscation  of smuggled items, nor did it delegate the  power  to
   pass  such a rule to any other authority. Lastly, according to  the
   Ruling  of  1978,  read in conjunction with the  criminal  laws  in
   force  in  the  1970s, smuggled items could only be confiscated  if
   proven  to  have been criminally acquired. The Russian  authorities
   never  asked  the  Latvian authorities whether  the  applicant  had
   gained the money by crime.
                       C. The Court's assessment
       38.  It  is not in dispute between the parties that the seizure
   of  the  applicant's  money constituted an  interference  with  his
   property rights within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol  No.  1
   to  the  Convention.  The  Court  is  accordingly  called  upon  to
   determine  whether  this interference was justified  in  accordance
   with the requirements of that provision.
       39.  The first and most important requirement of Article  1  of
   Protocol No. 1 is that any interference by a public authority  with
   the  peaceful enjoyment of possessions should be lawful: the second
   sentence  of  the  first  paragraph  authorises  a  deprivation  of
   possessions  only "subject to the conditions provided for  by  law"
   and  the second paragraph recognises that the States have the right
   to  control the use of property by enforcing "laws". Moreover,  the
   rule  of  law,  one of the fundamental principles of  a  democratic
   society,  is  inherent in all the Articles of  the  Convention.  It
   follows  that the issue of whether a fair balance has  been  struck
   between  the  demands of the general interest of the community  and
   the  requirements of the protection of the individual's fundamental
   rights becomes relevant only once it has been established that  the
   interference  in question satisfied the requirement  of  lawfulness
   and  was  not  arbitrary (see Iatridis v. Greece,  judgment  of  25
   March 1999, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1999-II, з 58).
       40. When speaking of "law", Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 alludes
   to  the  same concept to be found elsewhere in the Convention  (see
   {Spacek},  s.r.o.  v. the Czech Republic, No.  26449/95,  з  54,  9
   November 1999).
       41.  This  concept requires firstly that the impugned  measures
   should  have a basis in domestic law. It also refers to the quality
   of  the  law  in question, requiring that it be accessible  to  the
   persons  concerned, precise, and foreseeable (see Beyeler v.  Italy
   [GC], No. 33202/96, з 109, ECHR 2000-I).
       42.  In  assessing the requirement of lawfulness in the present
   case  the Court recalls that Article 169-1 of the Criminal Code  of
   1960, as in force until 31 December 1996, clearly provided for  the
   "forfeiture  of  the  goods  and other  items  carried  across  the
   border..."  Likewise  Article  279 of  the  Customs  Code  of  1993
   provided  for  the possibility of forfeiting goods  carried  across
   the   border  in  circumstances  which  cannot  be  classified   as
   smuggling. In addition the Plenary of the Supreme Court had in  its
   Ruling  of  1978 clarified that in accordance with the  legislation
   in force, smuggled items presented as exhibits must be forfeited.
       43.  However, the Court recalls that with the entry into  force
   of  the  Criminal Code of 1996 the confiscation of forfeited  goods
   is  no  longer provided for in the Code itself. It is not  for  the
   Court  to  speculate in the legislator's intentions when redrafting
   the  Criminal Code, but Article 188-1 of the Criminal  Code,  which
   was  the basis for the conviction of B. in the present case,  would
   not  appear  to  be  able  to serve as  the  legal  basis  for  the
   forfeiture of the applicant's money.
       44. As regards the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure
   of  1960  of  relevance to the present case (see з  20  above)  the
   Court  recalls  that instruments of the crime which belong  to  the
   defendant (Article 86 з 1) and criminally acquired money and  other
   assets shall be forfeited whereas other items shall be returned  to
   their  lawful owner (Article 86 з 4). It has not been  argued,  nor
   is  there  any evidence to that effect, that the applicant's  money
   was  "criminally acquired" and it does not appear that the national
   courts  relied  thereon  when  deciding  to  forfeit  the  sum   in
   question. Thus, it remains unclear what legal basis served  as  the
   basis  therefore  other than a Ruling of the Supreme  Court  which,
   however,  appears to relate to legislation no longer in  force.  It
   is  true  that  the Government have referred to a decision  of  the
   Presidium  of  the  Supreme Court of 10 June 1998  following  which
   certain  amounts of foreign currency was forfeited after the  owner
   had  been convicted of smuggling. Leaving aside the fact that  this
   decision relates to later period of time the Court notes that  such
   forfeiture appears to be clearly provided for in Article 86 з 1  of
   the  Criminal Code of Procedure which refers to instruments of  the
   crime  which  belongs  to the accused, a situation  different  from
   that of the present case.
       45.  Finally,  as  regards the Russian  Constitutional  Court's
   judgment  of  8  July  2004  to  which  the  Government  have  also
   referred,  the Court recalls that the forfeiture of the applicant's
   money  took  place several years prior to that judgment.  Thus,  it
   cannot   serve  as  an  established  interpretation   of   domestic
   legislation  on  the  basis  of  which  the  forfeiture  could   be
       46.  The Court accepts that its power to review compliance with
   domestic  law  is  limited  as it is in the  first  place  for  the
   national  authorities  to interpret and apply  that  law.  However,
   having  regard  to  the national courts' lack of reference  to  any
   legal  provision as a basis for the forfeiture of an important  sum
   of  money  and to the apparent inconsistencies of case-law compared
   to  the  national legislation, the Court considers that the law  in
   question  was not formulated with such precision as to  enable  the
   applicant  to  foresee,  to  a degree that  is  reasonable  in  the
   circumstances,  the consequences of his actions.  It  follows  that
   the   interference   with  the  applicant's  property   cannot   be
   considered  lawful within the meaning of Article 1 of Protocol  No.
   1  to  the  Convention.  This conclusion makes  it  unnecessary  to
   ascertain  whether  a  fair balance has  been  struck  between  the
   demands   of  the  general  interest  of  the  community  and   the
   requirements  of  the  protection of the  individual's  fundamental
       47.  There  has,  accordingly, been a breach of  Article  1  of
   Protocol No. 1.
            II. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
       48. Article 41 of the Convention provides:
       "If  the  Court  finds that there has been a violation  of  the
   Convention  or  the Protocols thereto, and if the internal  law  of
   the   High   Contracting  Party  concerned  allows   only   partial
   reparation  to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford  just
   satisfaction to the injured party."
                        A. Non-pecuniary damage
       49. The applicant claimed 100,000 euros by way of non-pecuniary
   damage.  He  submitted that, because his money  was  forfeited,  he
   could  not  buy  a flat in Moscow. If he had moved  to  Moscow,  he
   would  have  been able to reunite with his ill, aged father  before
   he died in a home in June 2003.
       50. The Government dismissed this claim as "fabulous".
       51.  The  Court takes the view that the applicant has  suffered
   some  non-pecuniary damage as a result of the violation found which
   cannot  be  made good by the Court's mere finding of  a  violation.
   The  particular amount claimed is, however, excessive.  Making  its
   assessment on an equitable basis, as required by Article 41 of  the
   Convention, the Court awards the applicant the sum of 3,000 euros.
                          B. Pecuniary damage
       52. The applicant did not include the sum unlawfully forfeited,
   that is USD 250,000 in his claims under Article 41.
       53.  However, he claimed USD 57,988.88. This amount,  according
   to  the  applicant's calculations, was the profit which  the  State
   had  gained by unlawfully retaining his money for the period  until
   1 July 2003.
       54.  In  the  Government's  contention,  this  claim  was  also
       55.  In  the  Court's  opinion, this claim  is  linked  to  the
   restitution  of  the sum unlawfully forfeited which  the  applicant
   has  not yet claimed. Accordingly, the Court cannot entertain  this
       56. Consequently, the Court makes no award under this head.
                         C. Costs and expenses
       57.  The applicant made no claims under this head. Accordingly,
   the Court will make no award under this head.
                     FOR THESE REASONS, THE COURT
       1. Holds by six votes to one that there has been a violation of
   Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention;
       2. Holds by six votes to one
       (a)  that the respondent State is to pay the applicant,  within
   three  months  from  the date on which the judgment  becomes  final
   according  to  Article 44 з 2 of the Convention, EUR  3,000  (three
   thousand  euros)  in  respect  of  non-pecuniary  damage,   to   be
   converted into Latvian lati at the rate applicable at the  date  of
   settlement, plus any tax that may be chargeable;
       (b)  that  from the expiry of the above-mentioned three  months
   until  settlement  simple interest shall be payable  on  the  above
   amount  at  a  rate  equal  to the marginal  lending  rate  of  the
   European  Central  Bank  during  the  default  period  plus   three
   percentage points;
       3.  Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claims for  just
       Done  in  English,  and notified in writing  on  9  June  2005,
   pursuant to Rule 77 зз 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
                                                      Christos Rozakis
                                                       {Soren} Nielsen
       In accordance with Article 45 з 2 of the Convention and Rule 74
   з  2 of the Rules of Court, the dissenting opinion of Mr Kovler  is
   annexed to this judgment.
       To  my  big  regret I cannot agree with the conclusion  of  the
   majority of the Chamber that there has been a violation of  Article
   1  of  Protocol  No.  1  on the ground that the  interference  (the
   forfeiture order) was not "lawful".
       The  Court recalled on many occasions the importance of a legal
   basis   for  interferences  with  the  rights  guaranteed  by   the
   Convention.  Only  without  a  basis  in  the  domestic   law   the
   interference  will  not  comply  with  the  basic  requirements  of
   "lawfulness" and the question of its justification will not arise.
       As  regards the present case, I would note that the penalty for
   the  substantive  offence  of  a  non-declaration  of  goods  under
   Article  279  of  the  Customs Code of 1993  as  in  force  at  the
   material  time  made  clear provision for the forfeiture  of  goods
   concealed from customs control. The problem of the Court  seems  to
   be  that  the  articles  of the Criminal Code  of  1996  concerning
   smuggling,  as  opposite to the Article 169-1 of the Criminal  Code
   of  the RSFSR of 1960, do not contain such a provision. At the same
   time  Article 86-4 of the CCrP provided for the forfeiture  of  the
   criminally acquired exhibits.
       However,  the  Court's  competence to  review  compliance  with
   domestic  law is limited. It is in the first place for the national
   authorities  to  interpret and apply this law  (see  Tre  Traktorer
   Aktiebolag v. Sweden, judgment of 7 July 1989, Series A No. 159,  з
       I  agree  with  the  Court's opinion that the  above  mentioned
   provisions of the national law left a certain ambiguity as  to  the
   destiny  of  smuggled  money in cases similar to  the  applicant's.
   Under  such  circumstances it was only appropriate for the  Supreme
   Court  to  give  its own interpretation of the law by  issuing  the
   Ruling  of  2 February 1978, since the Supreme Court may  interpret
   statutes  to fill legal lacunas and such interpretation  should  be
   considered  as  "law". As to the decision of the Presidium  of  the
   Supreme Court of 10 June 1998 in the Petrenko case cited in  з  23,
   the  convicted  person  himself had recourse to  domestic  remedies
   available to him under the national law, which is not the  case  of
   Mr.  Baklanov.  For  instance, Article 429 of  the  Code  of  Civil
   Procedure  of  the  RSFSR  offered  him  as  a  third  person   the
   possibility  to challenge the court judgment regarding confiscation
   of  his  property (regretfully, this provision is not mentioned  in
   our  Judgment).  The  applicant  failed  to  exhaust  the  domestic
   remedies  available  to him and did not appeal  against  the  trial
   court judgment.
       As  to the third party's comments that the smuggled items could
   only  be confiscated if proven to have been criminally acquired,  I
   am  satisfied  that the Judgment cites the Decision  (Opredelenije)
   of  the  Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of  8  July
   2004  where  money smuggling is qualified as a criminal offence  in
   the  light  of  the  Council  of Europe Convention  on  Laundering,
   Search,  Seizure  and Confiscation of the Proceeds  from  Crime  (8
   November  1990)  and  of  the UN Convention  against  Transnational
   Organised Crime (15 November 2000). According to the Article  1  of
   the   CE  Conventions  the  term  "confiscation"  means  not   only
   punishment,  but  also  "a measure ordered  by  a  court  following
   proceedings in relation to a criminal offence or criminal  offences
   resulting in the final deprivation of property". Article 12 of  the
   UN  Convention  recognises  "the  possibility  of  confiscation  of
   proceeds  from crimes, as well as of property, equipment  or  other
   means used or intended for use in committing crimes".
       Taking into account both national and international aspects  of
   the case I have decided not to join the majority of the Chamber  in
   its reasoning.

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