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Законодательство Российской Федерации

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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                             FIRST SECTION
                     CASE OF ZNAMENSKAYA v. RUSSIA
                      (Application No. 77785/01)
                             JUDGMENT <*>
                        (Strasbourg, 2.VI.2005)
       <*>  This  judgment will become final in the circumstances  set
   out  in  Article  44 з 2 of the Convention. It may  be  subject  to
   editorial revision.
       In the case of Znamenskaya v. Russia,
       The European Court of Human Rights (First Section), sitting  as
   a Chamber composed of:
       Mr C.L. Rozakis, President,
       Mrs S. Botoucharova,
       Mr A. Kovler,
       Mrs E. Steiner,
       Mr K. Hajiyev,
       Mr D. Spielmann,
       Mr S.E. Jebens, judges,
       and Mr S. Nielsen, Section Registrar,
       Having deliberated in private on 12 May 2005,
       Delivers  the  following judgment, which was  adopted  on  that
       1. The case originated in an application (No. 77785/01) against
   the  Russian Federation lodged with the Court under Article  34  of
   the  Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and  Fundamental
   Freedoms  ("the  Convention")  by a Russian  national,  Ms  Natalya
   Vasilyevna  Znamenskaya, on 14 November 2001.  The  applicant,  who
   had been granted legal aid, was represented before the Court by  Ms
   Е.  Liptser, a lawyer with the International Protection  Centre  in
       2.  The  Russian Government ("the Government") were represented
   by  Mr  P. Laptev, Representative of the Russian Federation at  the
   European Court of Human Rights.
       3.  The  applicant  alleged, in particular, that  the  domestic
   courts'  refusal to establish the paternity of the  stillbirth  and
   change  its name accordingly had violated her right to respect  for
   private and family life.
       4.  The  application was allocated to the First Section of  the
   Court  (Rule  52 з 1 of the Rules of Court). Within  that  Section,
   the  Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 з  1  of  the
   Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 з 1.
       5.  By  a  decision  of 25 March 2004, the Court  declared  the
   application partly admissible.
       6.  On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its
   Sections  (Rule  25  з  1). This case was  assigned  to  the  newly
   composed First Section (Rule 52 з 1).
       7.  Neither the Government nor the applicant filed observations
   on the merits (Rule 59 з 1).
                               THE FACTS
                   I. The circumstances of the case
       8. The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Moscow.
       9. In 1997 the applicant became pregnant.
       10. In the night of 1 August 1997, in the thirty-fifth week  of
   pregnancy,  the embryo asphyxiated in the womb. On  4  August  1997
   the  applicant  gave birth to a stillborn baby boy and  decided  to
   bury him.
       11.  On  13  August 1997 the stillbirth was registered  by  the
   Chertanovskiy  branch  of  the  Civil  Acts  Registration   Service
   (Чертановский  отдел  ЗАГС). Mr Z., who had  been  the  applicant's
   husband  until their divorce on 25 March 1997, was entered  as  the
   stillbirth's  father in the birth certificate (акт о рождении)  and
   in the birth register (книга записей рождений).
       12.  The applicant submitted that the biological father of  the
   stillbirth  had been Mr G., with whom she had been  living  as  man
   and  wife since 1994. Mr G. had expected the child and talked about
   their  future son as his own. They could not, however, file a joint
   declaration establishing the child's paternity because  Mr  G.  had
   been  placed  in a detention facility on 20 June 1997.  It  appears
   that  the  applicant had no access to her partner after that  date.
   On 12 October 1997 Mr G. died in custody.
       13.  The  applicant refused to put her former husband's surname
   on the stillborn child's tombstone and left it empty.
       14. On 10 August 2000 the applicant requested the Chertanovskiy
   District Court of Moscow to establish Mr G.'s paternity in  respect
   of  the  stillbirth  and amend the child's surname  and  patronymic
   name  accordingly. In Russian, patronymic names are normally formed
   from  the  father's forename and a special ending, -ovich for  sons
   or  -ovna for daughters. The applicant relied on Article 49 of  the
   Family Code.
       15. On 21 November 2000 the applicant's former husband died.
       16. On 16 March 2001 the Chertanovskiy District Court of Moscow
   gave  its  decision.  It  held that the  stillborn  child  had  not
   acquired  civil rights, whereas Article 49 of the Family Code  only
   applied to living children. It ordered the discontinuation  of  the
   proceedings  because  "[the applicant's  claim]  was  not  fit  for
   examination   and   determination  in  the   framework   of   civil
       17.  On 18 May 2001 the Moscow City Court, on an appeal by  the
   applicant,  upheld  the  decision  of  16  March  2001.  The  court
   repeated  that  "the case could not be examined as a  civil  action
   because the child had not acquired civil rights".
                       II. Relevant domestic law
       18.  The  Russian Civil Code (Law of 30 November 1994) provides
   that  a person's legal capacity shall begin at the moment of  birth
   and terminate on death (Article 17 з 2).
       19. The Russian Family Code (Law of 29 December 1995) provides:
       Article 48. Establishment of the child's descent
       "2. If a child is born to parents who are married to each other
   or  within three hundred days of their divorce... or the  death  of
   the  spouse  of the child's mother, the spouse (former  spouse)  of
   the  mother  shall be deemed to be the father of the  child  unless
   proved otherwise...
       3.  If  the  child's  mother declares that her  spouse  (former
   spouse)  is not the child's father, the child's paternity shall  be
   established  in  accordance with paragraph 4  of  this  Article  or
   Article 49 of this Code.
       4.  The paternity of a person who is not married to the child's
   mother  shall  be  established on the basis of a joint  declaration
   filed by the father and mother of the child..."
       Article 49. Establishment of paternity in court proceedings
       "If  a  child  is born to parents who are not married  to  each
   other  and  there  is  no joint declaration or declaration  by  the
   child's father (Article 48 з 4 of this Code), the paternity of  the
   child  shall be established in court proceedings on the application
   of  either  parent... [In such proceedings] the  court  shall  have
   regard to any evidence that establishes the child's paternity  with
       Article   50.  Establishment  by  a  court  of  the   fact   of
   acknowledgement of paternity
       "If  the person who acknowledged the paternity of the child but
   was  not  married to his/her mother dies, the fact  of  his  having
   acknowledged paternity may be established by a court in  accordance
   with the rules on civil procedure."
       Article 51. Entering the child's parents in the birth register
       "1.  If  the  father and mother are married to each other  they
   shall  be  entered as the child's parents in the birth register  on
   the basis of an application lodged by either of them.
       2.  If  the parents are not married to each other the  mother's
   particulars  shall be entered on an application  by  her,  and  the
   father's  particulars entered on a joint application by the  father
   and  mother of the child, or on an application by the father of the
   child  (paragraph  4  of  Article 48) or  pursuant  to  a  judicial
                                THE LAW
          I. Alleged violation of Article 8 of the Convention
       20.  The applicant complained under Article 8 of the Convention
   that  the  domestic  courts had not considered her  claim  for  the
   establishment  of  the stillbirth's descent from her  late  partner
   and for an amendment of its name. Article 8 provides as follows:
       "1.  Everyone  has  the right to respect for  his  private  and
   family life, his home and his correspondence.
       2.  There  shall be no interference by a public authority  with
   the  exercise  of  this right except such as is in accordance  with
   the  law  and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests
   of  national security, public safety or the economic well-being  of
   the  country,  for  the prevention of disorder or  crime,  for  the
   protection  of  health  or morals, or for  the  protection  of  the
   rights and freedoms of others."
                       A. The parties' arguments
       21.  The applicant submitted that the domestic authorities  had
   failed  in  their  positive obligation to ensure effective  respect
   for  her  private and family life. Referring to the  Court's  case-
   law,  she maintained that "respect" for "family life" requires that
   biological  and  social reality prevail over  a  legal  presumption
   which... flies in the face of both established fact and the  wishes
   of  those concerned without actually benefiting anyone" (Kroon  and
   Others  v. the Netherlands, judgment of 27 October 1994,  Series  A
   No. 297-C, з 40).
       22.  The  Government accepted that the domestic courts' refusal
   to  entertain  the applicant's claim had had no legal basis.  Under
   Article  50 of the Family Code, even in the event of death  of  the
   person  who had acknowledged paternity and was not married  to  the
   child's  mother, the courts could establish the fact of his  having
   acknowledged paternity. Such an acknowledgement would entail, as  a
   consequence, an amendment to the birth certificate and  attribution
   of  the  presumed father's family name and patronymic name  to  the
                       B. The Court's assessment
            1. Applicability of Article 8 of the Convention
       23.  The  Court observes, firstly, that it has on a  number  of
   occasions held that disputes relating to individuals' surnames  and
   forenames  come within Article 8 of the Convention.  Although  that
   provision  does  not  mention  a right  to  a  name  explicitly,  a
   person's  name  -  as  a  means of personal identification  and  of
   linking  to a family - nonetheless concerns his or her private  and
   family   life   (see,  in  particular,  the  following   judgments:
   Burghartz  v. Switzerland of 22 February 1994, Series A No.  280-B,
   p.  28, з 24; Stjerna v. Finland of 25 November 1994, Series A  No.
   299-B,  p.  60,  з  37; and Guillot v. France of 24  October  1996,
   Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-V, pp. 1602 - 03, з 21).
       24.  In  the instant case, however, the core of the applicant's
   grievance   is   the  impossibility  of  having  her   stillbirth's
   patronymic   name  and  surname  amended  so  as  to  reflect   its
   biological  descent from her late partner. The present  application
   is  therefore  distinguishable from the cases  where  the  domestic
   authorities  opposed  the parents' choice of the  child's  forename
   (see,  for  example,  Salonen v. Finland, No. 27868/95,  Commission
   decision  of  2  July  1997, and Guillot,  cited  above)  or  their
   request  to  give  the child the mother's surname rather  than  the
   father's (see, for example, G.M.B. and K.M. v. Switzerland  (dec.),
   No.  36797/97, 27 September 2001, and Bijleveld v. the  Netherlands
   (dec.),   No.  42973/98,  27  April  2000).  Nor  is  the  case-law
   concerning  a  person's request to change his or  her  own  surname
   (see  Stjerna,  cited  above, and The Former King  Constantinos  of
   Greece  and Others v. Greece, No. 25701/94, Commission decision  of
   21  April  1998)  applicable, because a  stillbirth  could  not  be
   considered  to have acquired a right to respect for his private  or
   family life separate from that of his mother.
       25.  In the Court's view, what lies at the heart of the present
   case  is the applicant's ability to obtain recognition of Mr G.  as
   the  biological father of the stillborn child, notwithstanding  the
   legal  presumption  that the husband was the father  of  the  child
   born  within three hundred days of the dissolution of the marriage.
   The  attribution of her late partner's surname and patronymic  name
   to the stillbirth would come as a corollary of such recognition.
       26.  As is well established in the Court's case-law, the notion
   of  "family  life" in Article 8 refers to the existence of  "family
   ties"  between  partners, whether marital  or  non-marital,  and  a
   child  born  to the partners is ipso jure part of that relationship
   from  the  moment of its birth and by the very fact of it (see,  in
   particular,  the following judgments: {Gul} <*> v.  Switzerland  of
   19  February 1996, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-I, з 32;
   Keegan  v. Ireland of 26 May 1994, Series A No. 290, p. 17,  з  44,
   and  Kroon and Others v. the Netherlands of 27 October 1994, Series
   A No. 297-C, з 30).
       <*> Здесь и далее по тексту слова на национальном языке набраны
   латинским шрифтом и выделены фигурными скобками.
       27.  The  existence or non-existence of "family life"  for  the
   purposes  of Article 8 is essentially a question of fact  depending
   upon the real existence in practice of close personal ties (see  K.
   and T. v. Finland [GC], No. 25702/94, з 150, ECHR 2001-VII). It  is
   obvious  that in the instant case no such personal ties could  have
   developed   because  the  child  was  stillborn  and  because   its
   biological father had been separated from the applicant before  its
   birth  and died shortly thereafter. However, it has also  been  the
   Convention  organs'  traditional  approach  to  accept  that  close
   relationships  short of "family life" would generally  fall  within
   the  scope  of "private life" (see, for example, Wakefield  v.  the
   United  Kingdom,  No. 15817/89, Commission decision  of  1  October
   1990  [relationship between a prisoner and his {fiancee}];  X.  and
   Y.  v.  the United Kingdom, No. 9369/81, Commission decision  of  3
   May  1983  [same-sex  relationship]; and  X.  v.  Switzerland,  No.
   8257/78, Commission decision of 10 July 1978 [relationship  between
   a  foster  mother and the child she had looked after]). Bearing  in
   mind that the applicant must have developed a strong bond with  the
   embryo  whom  she  had almost brought to full  term  and  that  she
   expressed  the  desire  to  give him  a  name  and  bury  him,  the
   establishment  of  his  descent undoubtedly affected  her  "private
   life", the respect for which is also guaranteed by Article 8.  That
   provision is therefore applicable in the present case.
            2. Compliance with Article 8 of the Convention
       28. The Court reiterates that the essential object of Article 8
   is  to  protect  the  individual against arbitrary  action  by  the
   public  authorities. There may in addition be positive  obligations
   inherent  in  effective  "respect" for family  life.  However,  the
   boundaries  between  the State's positive and negative  obligations
   under  this provision do not lend themselves to precise definition.
   The   applicable  principles  are  nonetheless  similar.  In   both
   contexts  regard must be had to the fair balance  that  has  to  be
   struck  between  the competing interests of the individual  and  of
   the  community as a whole; and in both contexts the State enjoys  a
   certain margin of appreciation (see Kroon, cited above, з 31).
       29. In the instant case the existence of a relationship between
   the  applicant and Mr G. was not disputed. Nor has anyone contested
   Mr  G.'s  paternity in respect of the stillborn child to  whom  the
   applicant  gave birth on 4 August 1997. As the child was stillborn,
   the  establishment  of its paternity did not  impose  a  continuing
   obligation  of  support on anyone involved.  It  appears  therefore
   that  there  were  no  interests  conflicting  with  those  of  the
       30.  In refusing the applicant's claim, the domestic courts did
   not  refer  to any legitimate or convincing reasons for maintaining
   the  status quo. Moreover, the respondent Government have  accepted
   that  the domestic courts erred in dealing with the claim in  terms
   of  the  stillbirth's  civil rights, without  due  regard  for  the
   rights  of  the applicant. The Government have also conceded  that,
   under  the applicable family-law provisions, the claim should  have
   been granted.
       31.  According to the Court's case-law, the situation  where  a
   legal  presumption is allowed to prevail over biological and social
   reality,  without regard to both established facts and  the  wishes
   of  those concerned and without actually benefiting anyone, is  not
   compatible,  even having regard to the margin of appreciation  left
   to  the  State,  with the obligation to secure effective  "respect"
   for private and family life (Kroon, cited above, з 40).
       32.  There has been therefore a violation of Article 8  of  the
            II. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
       33. Article 41 of the Convention provides:
       "If  the  Court  finds that there has been a violation  of  the
   Convention  or  the Protocols thereto, and if the internal  law  of
   the   High   Contracting  Party  concerned  allows   only   partial
   reparation  to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford  just
   satisfaction to the injured party."
                               A. Damage
       34.  The  applicant claimed 100,000 euros (EUR) in  respect  of
   compensation for non-pecuniary damage. She also claimed  EUR  1,000
   for  the  approximate  cost of her treatment  over  the  last  four
   years, as compensation for pecuniary damage.
       35.  The  Government  submitted  that  the  applicant  had  not
   provided any medical documents or receipts in support of her  claim
   for  pecuniary  damages and that the amount claimed in  respect  of
   non-pecuniary damage was excessive and unreasonable.
       36.  The  Court  discerns no causal link between the  violation
   found  and  the alleged pecuniary damage. It therefore rejects  the
   applicant's  claim  in respect of pecuniary damage.  It  considers,
   however,  that the applicant must have suffered frustration  and  a
   feeling  of injustice as a consequence of the domestic authorities'
   decisions.  The  Court  finds  that  the  applicant  suffered  non-
   pecuniary damage which would not be adequately compensated  by  the
   mere finding of a violation. Accordingly, making its assessment  on
   an  equitable  basis, it awards the applicant EUR 1,000,  plus  any
   tax that may be chargeable on that amount.
                         B. Costs and expenses
       37.  The applicant claimed 334 Russian roubles (RUR) in respect
   of postal expenses.
       38.  The  Government  submitted that  the  applicant  had  only
   produced one receipt for RUR 52.50, whilst other expenses  had  not
   been confirmed by supporting documents.
       39. The Court reiterates that the applicant was granted EUR 685
   in  legal aid for the purpose of the proceedings before it. As  she
   did  not  justify  having  incurred  any  expenses  exceeding  that
   amount, the Court makes no award under this head.
                          C. Default interest
       40.  The  Court  considers  it  appropriate  that  the  default
   interest  should  be  based on the marginal  lending  rate  of  the
   European  Central  Bank, to which should be added three  percentage
                     FOR THESE REASONS, THE COURT
       1. Holds by four votes to three that there has been a violation
   of Article 8 of the Convention;
       2. Holds by four votes to three
       (a)  that the respondent State is to pay the applicant,  within
   three  months from the date on which the judgment becomes final  in
   accordance  with Article 44 з 2 of the Convention, EUR  1,000  (one
   thousand  euros)  in  respect  of  non-pecuniary  damage,   to   be
   converted into Russian roubles at the rate applicable at  the  date
   of settlement, plus any tax that may be chargeable;
       (b)  that  from the expiry of the above-mentioned three  months
   until  settlement  simple interest shall be payable  on  the  above
   amount  at  a  rate  equal  to the marginal  lending  rate  of  the
   European  Central  Bank  during  the  default  period  plus   three
   percentage points;
       3. Dismisses unanimously the remainder of the applicant's claim
   for just satisfaction.
       Done  in  English,  and notified in writing  on  2  June  2005,
   pursuant to Rule 77 зз 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
                                                      Christos ROZAKIS
                                                       {Soren} NIELSEN
       In accordance with Article 45 з 2 of the Convention and Rule 74
   з  2 of the Rules of Court, the joint dissenting opinion of Mr C.L.
   Rozakis, Mrs S. Botoucharova and Mr K. Hajiyev, is annexed to  this
                       BOTOUCHAROVA AND HAJIYEV
       With  regret we are unable to follow the majority of the  Court
   and  find a violation of Article 8 in this case. We consider  that,
   in  the  circumstances  of the case, it is difficult  to  establish
   that  a right to respect for private life existed or, in any event,
   that  the  State interfered with this right in such  a  way  as  to
   transgress it.
       We  agree  with the majority of the Court that at the heart  of
   this  case  lies "the applicant's ability to obtain recognition  of
   Mr   G.   as   the  biological  father  of  the  stillborn   child,
   notwithstanding  the  legal presumption that the  husband  was  the
   father  of  the  child  born  within  three  hundred  days  of  the
   dissolution of the marriage. The attribution of her late  partner's
   surname  and  patronymic name to the stillbirth  would  come  as  a
   corollary  of such recognition" (see paragraph 25 of the judgment).
   This  reading  of the case by the majority faithfully reflects  the
   position  of  the  applicant during the  domestic  proceedings,  in
   which  she asked the national courts to establish Mr G.'s paternity
   in  respect of the stillbirth and, as a consequence, to  allow  her
   to  change  the latter's name. So we are not faced with a situation
   where  the applicant had simply asked for a change of a name:  what
   she  was  requesting  before  the  national  courts  was  mainly  a
   recognition of paternity.
       We  also  agree  with the majority of the  Court  that  in  the
   circumstances of the case the personal ties developed  between  the
   applicant,  Mr  G.  and  the stillborn child  cannot  lead  to  the
   conclusion   that  "family  life"  had  developed   between   them,
   generating  a  right  protected under  Article  8.  Yet  the  Court
   concludes  that  "[b]earing in mind that the  applicant  must  have
   developed  a  strong  bond  with the embryo  whom  she  had  almost
   brought   to   full  term...  the  establishment  of  his   descent
   undoubtedly affected her "private life", the respect for  which  is
   also guaranteed by Article 8" (see paragraph 27 of the judgment).
       We  are  ready to accept the argument that the strong emotional
   bond  of a mother with her stillborn child may be regarded as  part
   of  the  mother's  private life. However,  we  have  difficulty  in
   accepting  that  her private life encompasses a right  to  ask  for
   recognition  of the paternity of the stillborn child,  as  part  of
   the State's positive obligations in guaranteeing the protection  of
   private life offered by Article 8. Here, we are concerned with  the
   private life of the mother, not that of the child - who could  have
   had,  if  born alive, a legitimate expectation of being  recognised
   by  his biological father as part of his family and private life  -
   and we are dealing not simply with a request to change the name  of
   another  person,  but  with the latter's  recognition  by  a  third
       But  even if we assume, arguendo, that the private life of  the
   mother  may entail such a kind of right, still the question remains
   open  whether  the  interference by the State in  not  agreeing  to
   recognise  the  child's biological father as part of  the  mother's
   right to respect for her private life is not justified by the  fact
   that the most interested party - the father of the child - was  not
   alive  at the time of the request and, hence, was unable to protect
   his rights in respect of his name and his family life.

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