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Законодательство Российской Федерации

Архив (обновление)




(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                             FIRST SECTION
                     CASE OF MALINOVSKIY v. RUSSIA
                      (Application No. 41302/02)
                             JUDGMENT <*>
                       (Strasbourg, 7.VII.2005)
       <*>  This  judgment will become final in the circumstances  set
   out  in  Article  44 з 2 of the Convention. It may  be  subject  to
   editorial revision.
       In the case of Malinovskiy v. Russia,
       The European Court of Human Rights (First Section), sitting  as
   a Chamber composed of:
       Mr C.L. Rozakis, President,
       Mrs S. Botoucharova,
       Mr A. Kovler,
       Mrs E. Steiner,
       Mr K. Hajiyev,
       Mr D. Spielmann,
       Mr S.E. Jebens, judges,
       and Mr S. Quesada, Deputy Section Registrar,
       Having deliberated in private on 16 June 2005,
       Delivers  the  following judgment, which was  adopted  on  that
       1. The case originated in an application (No. 41302/02) against
   the  Russian Federation lodged with the Court under Article  34  of
   the  Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and  Fundamental
   Freedoms  ("the  Convention")  by  a  Russian  national   Mr   Igor
   Mikhailovich Malinovskiy ("the applicant") on 20 October 2002.
       2.  The  Russian Government ("the Government") were represented
   by  Mr  P. Laptev, Representative of the Russian Federation at  the
   European Court of Human Rights.
       3.  On  13  May  2003  the  Court decided  to  communicate  the
   application to the Government. Under the provisions of  Article  29
   з  3  of  the Convention, it decided to examine the merits  of  the
   application at the same time as its admissibility.
                               THE FACTS
                   I. The circumstances of the case
       4.  The  applicant was born in 1962 and lives in Staryy  Oskol,
   Belgorod Region.
       5. In 1986 the applicant was engaged in emergency operations at
   the  site  of the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster. The applicant's
   entitlement to certain State benefits is linked to the category  of
   disability assigned to him due to deterioration of his health as  a
   result of these events.
       6.  In  1999 the applicant applied for free accommodation  from
   the  State.  His housing conditions were recognised as  substandard
   and he was placed on a waiting list.
       7.  In  2001  the  applicant brought  proceedings  against  the
   Belgorod Regional Administration to challenge its failure  to  make
   accommodation  available to him within three months  after  placing
   him on a waiting list.
       8.  On  10 December 2001 the Starooskolskiy Town Court  of  the
   Belgorod  Region ruled in the applicant's favour.  It  referred  to
   the Law On Social Protection of Citizens Exposed to Radiation as  a
   Result  of  the  Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station  Explosion,  noted
   that the applicant's accommodation was substandard and ordered  the
   Belgorod  Regional Administration to provide the applicant  with  a
   flat "in accordance with the applicable standard conditions and  in
   accordance with the order of precedence on the waiting list".  This
   judgment  was  not  appealed against, and  enforcement  proceedings
   were instituted on 6 February 2002.
       9. On 28 June 2002 the bailiffs' service informed the applicant
   about  the lack of progress in the enforcement proceedings  due  to
   the insufficient number of flats allocated to the waiting list.  It
   advised  the  applicant to ask the Starooskolskiy  Town  Court  for
   replacement of the in-kind award under the judgment of 10  December
   2001 with the equivalent sum of money.
       10.  On  9  October  2002 the bailiffs'  service  informed  the
   applicant  that  it had sought instructions from the Starooskolskiy
   Town  Court  concerning  the enforcement  of  the  judgment  of  10
   December 2001. In particular, it asked to set a time-limit,  within
   which the authorities were to provide a flat to the applicant.
       11.  On  2  December  2002 the Oktyabrskiy  District  Court  of
   Belgorod  examined the applicant's complaint about the  failure  of
   the  bailiffs' service to enforce the judgment of 10 December 2001.
   It  found  no fault on the part of the service because the judgment
   had not set a time-limit for enforcement.
       12.  On  31  July  2003 the Presidium of the Belgorod  Regional
   Court  conducted supervisory review of the judgment of 10  December
   2001.  It  held that the statutory time-limit of three  months  was
   applicable  and not amenable to further extensions. It removed  the
   condition that the flat was to be provided in accordance  with  the
   order  of  precedence on the waiting list and upheld the  remainder
   of the judgment.
       13.   By  March  2004  the  applicant  was  still  waiting  for
       14. According to the applicant, on 5 March 2004 a group of five
   people,  including  the  applicant, went  on  a  hunger  strike  to
   protest  against  the  poor  social  protection  of  the  Chernobyl
   victims.  The  mayor of Staryy Oskol launched  a  public  call  for
   donations  in  support of the protestors and collected  the  amount
   necessary  to  provide  all  of them with  housing.  The  applicant
   submitted  a statement signed by four other protesters  in  support
   of his version of events.
       15. According to  the Government,  on 2 July 2004 the mayor of
   Staryy  Oskol  decided,  pursuant to the  judgment of  10 December
   2001,  to  provide  the  applicant with a  flat measuring 86.39 m
   valued at 834,960 Russian roubles.
       16.  On  8  July 2004 the applicant received from the mayor  an
   occupancy voucher in respect of the flat assigned to him. He  found
   the flat satisfactory.
       17.  No  decision appears to have been taken as to the  pending
   enforcement proceedings.
                       II. Relevant domestic law
                    A. Entitlement to State housing
       18.  The  Law  On  Social  Protection of  Citizens  Exposed  to
   Radiation  as  a  Result  of the Chernobyl  Nuclear  Power  Station
   Explosion  (No. 1224-I of 15 May 1991, as amended at  the  material
   time)  set  out  that  disabled victims of the Chernobyl  explosion
   were   to  be  granted  social  housing  within  three  months   of
   submitting   an  appropriate  application,  provided   that   their
   existing  accommodation  did not comply with  the  minimum  housing
   standards (section 14 (3)).
                      B. Enforcement proceedings
       19.  Section 9 of the Enforcement Proceedings Act (Law No. 119-
   FZ  of 21 July 1997) provides that a bailiff's order on institution
   of   enforcement  proceedings  must  fix  a  time-limit   for   the
   defendant's  voluntary  compliance with a writ  of  execution.  The
   time-limit  may  not exceed five days. The bailiff must  also  warn
   the   defendant  that  coercive  action  will  follow  should   the
   defendant  fail to comply with the time-limit. Pursuant to  section
   13,  the  enforcement  proceedings must  be  completed  within  two
   months of the receipt of the writ of execution by the bailiff.
         C. Implementation of the right to a "social tenancy"
       20.  The  RSFSR  Housing Code (Law of 24 June  1983,  effective
   until  1  March 2005) provided that Russian citizens were  entitled
   to  possess  flats owned by the State or municipal  authorities  or
   other  public  bodies,  under  the terms  of  a  tenancy  agreement
   (section   10).  Certain  "protected"  categories  of   individuals
   (disabled   persons,  war  veterans,  Chernobyl   victims,   police
   officers,  judges, etc.) had a right to priority treatment  in  the
   allocation of flats.
       21.  A decision on granting a flat was to be implemented by way
   of  issuing the citizen with an occupancy voucher (ордер  на  жилое
   помещение)  from  the local municipal authority (section  47).  The
   voucher  served  as  the legal basis for taking possession  of  the
   flat  designated therein and for the signing of a tenancy agreement
   between  the  landlord,  the  tenant and  the  housing  maintenance
   authority  (section 51, and also Articles 672 and 674 of the  Civil
       22.  Members  of  the  tenant's family (including  the  spouse,
   children, parents, disabled dependants and other persons)  had  the
   same  rights  and  obligations under the tenancy agreement  as  the
   tenant (section 53). The tenant had the right to accommodate  other
   persons  in  the  flat (section 54). In the event of  the  tenant's
   death, an adult member of the tenant's family succeeded him or  her
   as a party to the tenancy agreement (section 88).
       23.  Flats  were  granted for permanent use (section  10).  The
   tenant  could  terminate the tenancy agreement at any moment,  with
   the  consent  of  his  or  her  family members  (section  89).  The
   landlord could terminate the agreement on the grounds provided  for
   by  law and on the basis of a court decision (sections 89 - 90). If
   the  agreement was terminated because the house was no  longer  fit
   for  living  in, the tenant and family were to receive a substitute
   flat  with full amenities (section 91). Tenants or members of their
   family   could   be   evicted  without  provision   of   substitute
   accommodation  only  if they "systematically destroyed  or  damaged
   the  flat",  "used  it  for  purposes  other  than  residence"   or
   "systematically breached the [generally accepted rules of  conduct]
   making life with others impossible" (section 98).
       24.  The  tenant had the right to exchange the flat for another
   flat  in  the State or municipal housing, including across  regions
   (section  67). An exchange involved reciprocal transfer  of  rights
   and  obligations under the respective tenancy agreements and became
   final  from  the moment of issuing new occupancy vouchers  (section
   71).  "Speculative"  or  sham exchanges  were  prohibited  (section
                       D. Rent for State housing
       25.  The  Federal  Housing Policy Act (Law  No.  4218-I  of  24
   December  1992) provides that the payments for a flat comprise  (i)
   a  housing  maintenance charge, (ii) a housing repair charge,  and,
   in  the  case  of  tenants  only,  (iii)  rent  (section  15).  The
   maintenance  and  repair  charges  do  not  depend  on  the  flat's
   ownership,  whether  private or State. Rent is  fixed  by  regional
   authorities,  taking into account the surface area and  quality  of
   the  housing.  It  is usually considerably lower  than  free-market
   rent.  For example, the highest monthly rent for municipal  housing
   in  Moscow  is 80 kopecks (0.02 euro) per square metre  (Resolution
   of the Moscow Government No. 863-PP of 7 December 2004).
                   E. Privatisation of State housing
       26.  In  1991, the Privatisation of Housing Act (Law No. 1541-I
   of  4  July  1991) was adopted (it will remain effective  until  31
   December  2006).  It grants Russian citizens the right  to  acquire
   title  to State and municipal-owned flats of which they have  taken
   possession on the basis of a social tenancy agreement (section  2).
   The  acquisition  of  title does not require  any  payment  or  fee
   (section 7). The right to privatisation can be exercised once in  a
   lifetime (section 11) and requires the consent of all adult  family
                                THE LAW
                 I. Alleged violation of Article 6 з 1
           of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
                           to the Convention
       27. The applicant complained that the prolonged non-enforcement
   of  the  judgment of 10 December 2001, as amended on 31 July  2003,
   violated  his  "right  to a court" under  Article  6  з  1  of  the
   Convention  and his right to the peaceful enjoyment of  possessions
   as  guaranteed  in Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to  the  Convention.
   These Articles, in so far as relevant, provide as follows:
       Article 6 з 1
       "In  the  determination of his civil rights and obligations...,
   everyone   is   entitled   to  a  fair...  hearing...   by   [a]...
       Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
       "Every  natural  or legal person is entitled  to  the  peaceful
   enjoyment  of  his  possessions. No one shall be  deprived  of  his
   possessions  except  in  the public interest  and  subject  to  the
   conditions  provided  for by law and by the general  principles  of
   international law.
       The  preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair
   the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary  to
   control  the  use  of  property  in  accordance  with  the  general
   interest  or  to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions
   or penalties."
                           A. Admissibility
       28.  The Government considered the application manifestly  ill-
   founded,  claiming that, pursuant to the judgment  of  10  December
   2001,  the  applicant  was to be provided  with  accommodation  "in
   accordance  with the order of precedence on the waiting  list".  As
   of  1 July 2003 the applicant had been No. 193 on the waiting list.
   The  Government  referred, in particular, to budgetary  constraints
   inherent  in  providing  State-funded accommodation.  They  finally
   claimed that the judgment had been duly enforced.
       29. The applicant did not accept that the budgetary constraints
   had  justified the non-enforcement of the judgment. He also claimed
   that  the  Government's  interpretation  of  the  judgment  of   10
   December 2001 would have required him to wait indefinitely for  his
   turn  on  the waiting list. He considered that the need to preserve
   the  order of precedence did not absolve the authorities  from  the
   obligation to respect the statutory time-limit of three months.  In
   this connection he noted that the judgment of the Presidium of  the
   Belgorod  Regional Court dated 31 July 2003 had removed a reference
   to  the  order of precedence on the waiting list from the  judgment
   of  10  December 2001. As to the current situation,  the  applicant
   considered  that, even though the mayor provided him with  a  flat,
   he  was still a victim of the State's failure to enforce a judgment
   in his favour.
       30.  The  Court  notes that the judgment of  10  December  2001
   imposed  a condition on provision of housing to the applicant,  and
   notably  that  the  "order of precedence on the  waiting  list"  be
   respected.  The  applicant's view that it was also subject  to  the
   statutory time-limit of three months has no explicit ground in  the
   judgment. It was not until 31 July 2003 that the Presidium  of  the
   Belgorod  Regional Court clarified that the applicant was  entitled
   to  receive  a  flat within three months. Thus, leaving  aside  the
   alleged  discrepancy between the operative part of the judgment  of
   10  December  2001  and the relevant statutory  provisions,  it  is
   clear  that  at  least  after the decision  of  31  July  2003  the
   authorities  had  no  legitimate ground to  delay  its  enforcement
   proceedings for more than three months.
       31.  Nevertheless,  between July 2003 and July  2004  no  steps
   appear  to have been taken by the authorities to enforce the award.
   Moreover,  even after the flat had been granted by  the  mayor,  no
   formal acknowledgment has been made that the judgment could now  be
   deemed   enforced,  or  that  the  applicant  no  longer  had   any
   outstanding entitlement. Thus, as there remains uncertainty  as  to
   the  state of the once instituted execution proceedings, the  Court
   considers that the applicant retains his victim status.
       32.  The  Court  concludes, based on the parties'  submissions,
   that  the  application  is not manifestly  ill-founded  within  the
   meaning of Article 35 з 3 of the Convention. It further notes  that
   it  is not inadmissible on any other grounds. It must therefore  be
   declared admissible.
                               B. Merits
                  1. Article 6 з 1 of the Convention
       33. The parties did not make separate comments on the merits of
   the complaint under Article 6 з 1 of the Convention.
       34. The Court reiterates that Article 6 з 1 secures to everyone
   the  right  to  have  any claim relating to his  civil  rights  and
   obligations  brought before a court or tribunal;  in  this  way  it
   embodies  the  "right to a court", of which the  right  of  access,
   that  is the right to institute proceedings before courts in  civil
   matters,  constitutes  one aspect. However,  that  right  would  be
   illusory  if a Contracting State's domestic legal system allowed  a
   final,  binding  judicial  decision to remain  inoperative  to  the
   detriment of one party. It would be inconceivable that Article 6  з
   1  should describe in detail the procedural guarantees afforded  to
   litigants  -  proceedings that are fair, public and  expeditious  -
   without  protecting  the implementation of judicial  decisions;  to
   construe Article 6 as being concerned exclusively with access to  a
   court  and  the conduct of proceedings would be likely to  lead  to
   situations  incompatible with the principle  of  the  rule  of  law
   which  the  Contracting  States  undertook  to  respect  when  they
   ratified  the  Convention. Execution of a  judgment  given  by  any
   court  must  therefore  be  regarded as an  integral  part  of  the
   "trial"  for  the purposes of Article 6 (see Burdov v. Russia,  No.
   59498/00,  з 34, ECHR 2002-III, and Hornsby v. Greece, judgment  of
   19  March 1997, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997-II, p. 510,
   з 40).
       35.  The  Court further recalls that it is not open to a  State
   authority  to  cite  the  lack of funds or other  resources  as  an
   excuse for not honouring a court award. Admittedly, a delay in  the
   execution   of   a   judgment  may  be  justified   in   particular
   circumstances,  but  the delay may not be such  as  to  impair  the
   essence  of the right protected under Article 6 з 1. The  applicant
   should  not  be prevented from benefiting from the success  of  the
   litigation   on  the  ground  of  alleged  financial   difficulties
   experienced  by  the State (see Burdov v. Russia,  cited  above,  з
       36. The Court accepts that the judgment of 10 December 2001, as
   it  had  been  worded  prior to 31 July 2003, did  not  require  an
   immediate   grant   of  a  flat  because  its  implementation   was
   conditional on prior allocation of flats to the persons  placed  on
   the  waiting  list before the applicant. However, the amendment  of
   31   July  2003  left  no  ambiguity  as  to  the  time-limit   for
   enforcement  of  the award. The Government have  not  advanced  any
   justification for the failure to enforce it, other than  a  generic
   reference to budgetary constraints.
       37.  As to the circumstances relating to the granting of a flat
   by  the mayor, the Court notes that the parties' versions of events
   differ.  Whereas  the  applicant  points  out  that  the  flat  was
   provided  to  him  as  a  result of the extraordinary  intervention
   brought  about by the hunger strike, the Government claim that  the
   flat  was  granted in the framework of the enforcement proceedings.
   The   Government,  however,  have  not  submitted   any   documents
   concerning  the  enforcement proceedings to which they  refer.  The
   applicant's statement, by contrast, has been countersigned  by  his
   fellow  protesters. The Court therefore finds no factual basis  for
   the  Government's version of events and assumes that the  flat  was
   granted   as   a   consequence   of   the   mayor's   extraordinary
       38.  The Court observes that no attempts have been made by  the
   authorities  before the applicant's hunger strike  to  provide  him
   with  housing due to him under the judgment, or to make alternative
   arrangements  if  this  was impossible.  Even  though  due  to  the
   mayor's  humanitarian  reaction  in  response  to  the  applicant's
   demonstration,  a  flat has eventually been  granted  to  him,  the
   Court   considers  that  his  interference  could  not   substitute
   enforcement of the judgment in due legal process.
       39.  Consequently, by failing for a substantial period of  time
   to  take  the necessary measures to comply with the final  judicial
   decisions  in  the  present  case, the  Russian  State  authorities
   deprived the provisions of Article 6 з 1 of their useful effect.
       40. There has accordingly been a violation of Article 6 з 1  of
   the Convention.
           2. Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention
       41.  The  Government  submitted that the flat  claimed  by  the
   applicant  could  not  be  viewed  as  his  "possessions"  for  the
   purposes of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 because the judgment of  10
   December  2001  required  the  provision  of  a  flat  not  in  the
   applicant's ownership but under a social tenancy agreement,  funded
   at  the  expense of the budget. The applicant made no  comments  on
   this aspect.
       42.  The  Court reiterates first that the right to  any  social
   benefit  is  not  included as such among the  rights  and  freedoms
   guaranteed  by the Convention (see, for example, Aunola v.  Finland
   (dec.),  No.  30517/96, 15 March 2001). The Court  further  recalls
   that  a  right  to live in a particular property not owned  by  the
   applicant  does  not as such constitute a "possession"  within  the
   meaning  of Article 1 of Protocol 1 to the Convention (see H.F.  v.
   Slovakia  (dec.),  No.  54797/00, 9  December  2003;  Kovalenok  v.
   Latvia (dec.), No. 54264/00, 15 February 2001, and J.L.S. v.  Spain
   (dec.), No. 41917/98, 27 April 1999).
       43. However pecuniary assets, such as debts, by virtue of which
   the   applicant   can  claim  to  have  at  least   a   "legitimate
   expectation"  of  obtaining  effective enjoyment  of  a  particular
   pecuniary  asset (see Pine Valley Developments Ltd  and  Others  v.
   Ireland, judgment of 29 November 1991, Series A No. 222, p.  23,  з
   51;  Pressos Compania Naviera S.A. and Others v. Belgium,  judgment
   of  20  November 1995, Series A No. 332, p. 21, з 31, and,  mutatis
   mutandis,  S.A. Dangeville v. France, No. 36677/97,  зз  44  -  48,
   ECHR  2002-III)  may also fall within the notion  of  "possessions"
   contained in Article 1 of Protocol No. 1. In particular, the  Court
   has   consistently  held  that  a  "claim"  -  even  concerning   a
   particular  social  benefit - can constitute a "possession"  within
   the  meaning  of Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 if it is  sufficiently
   established  to be enforceable (see Burdov v. Russia, cited  above,
   з  40,  and Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreadis v. Greece,
   judgment of 9 December 1994, Series A No. 301-B, p. 84, з 59).
       44.  Turning to the facts of the present case, the Court  notes
   that  by  virtue  of  the  judgment of 10 December  2001  the  town
   council  was to put at the applicant's disposal a flat with certain
   characteristics.  The judgment did not require the  authorities  to
   give  him  ownership of a particular flat, but rather obliged  them
   to  issue  him  with an occupancy voucher in respect  of  any  flat
   satisfying  the  court-defined  criteria.  On  the  basis  of   the
   voucher,  a  so-called "social tenancy agreement" would  have  been
   signed  between  the competent authority and the applicant,  acting
   as  the  principal tenant on behalf of himself and the  members  of
   his  family (see paragraph 21 above). Under the terms of a  "social
   tenancy  agreement", as established in the RSFSR Housing  Code  and
   the  applicable regulations, the applicant would have had  a  right
   to  possess  and  make  use of the flat  and  to  privatise  it  in
   accordance with the Privatisation of State Housing Act.
       45.  Accordingly, from the time of the judgments of 10 December
   2001  and 31 July 2003 the applicant had an established "legitimate
   expectation" to acquire a pecuniary asset. The judgment  was  final
   as  no  ordinary appeal lay against it, and enforcement proceedings
   were instituted.
       46. The Court is therefore satisfied that the applicant's claim
   to  a  "social  tenancy agreement" was sufficiently established  to
   constitute a "possession" falling within the ambit of Article 1  of
   Protocol No. 1.
       47.  The  Court finds that the fact that it was impossible  for
   the  applicant  to  obtain the execution  of  the  judgment  of  10
   December  2001  as amended by the judgment of 31 July  2003  for  a
   substantial  period  of time constituted an interference  with  his
   right  to  peaceful  enjoyment of his possessions,  for  which  the
   Government  have  not  advanced  any plausible  justification  (see
   paragraph 36 above).
       48.  Accordingly, there has been a violation of  Article  1  of
   Protocol No. 1.
            II. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
       49. Article 41 of the Convention provides:
       "If  the  Court  finds that there has been a violation  of  the
   Convention  or  the Protocols thereto, and if the internal  law  of
   the   High   Contracting  Party  concerned  allows   only   partial
   reparation  to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford  just
   satisfaction to the injured party."
                               A. Damage
       50.  The  applicant claimed 50,000 euros (EUR)  in  respect  of
   compensation for non-pecuniary damage.
       51.  The Government submitted that the applicant's claims  were
   excessive,  arguing that if the Court decided to make an  award  it
   should not exceed the amount awarded in the Burdov v. Russia case.
       52.  The  Court considers that the applicant must have suffered
   certain   distress  and  frustration  resulting  from   the   State
   authorities' failure to enforce a judgment in his favour.  However,
   the  amount claimed appears excessive. The Court takes into account
   the  award  made by the Court in the Burdov v. Russia  case  (cited
   above, з 47), the nature of the award whose non-enforcement was  at
   stake  in  the  present  case,  namely  a  benefit  linked  to  the
   applicant's  disability as a Chernobyl-victim, the  length  of  the
   enforcement  proceedings  and other relevant  aspects.  Making  its
   assessment  on  an  equitable basis, it awards  the  applicant  EUR
   3,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage, plus any tax that may  be
   chargeable on that amount.
                         B. Costs and expenses
       53. The applicant made no claims under this head.
                          C. Default interest
       54.  The  Court  considers  it  appropriate  that  the  default
   interest  should  be  based on the marginal  lending  rate  of  the
   European  Central  Bank, to which should be added three  percentage
       1. Declares the application admissible;
       2.  Holds that there has been a violation of Article 6 з  1  of
   the Convention;
       3.  Holds  that  there has been a violation  of  Article  1  of
   Protocol No. 1;
       4. Holds
       (a)  that the respondent State is to pay the applicant,  within
   three  months  from  the date on which the judgment  becomes  final
   according  to  Article 44 з 2 of the Convention, EUR  3,000  (three
   thousand  euros)  in  respect  of  non-pecuniary  damage,   to   be
   converted  into  the national currency of the respondent  State  at
   the  rate  applicable at the date of settlement, plus any tax  that
   may be chargeable on that amount;
       (b)  that  from the expiry of the above-mentioned three  months
   until  settlement  simple interest shall be payable  on  the  above
   amount  at  a  rate  equal  to the marginal  lending  rate  of  the
   European  Central  Bank  during  the  default  period  plus   three
   percentage points;
       5.  Dismisses the remainder of the applicant's claim  for  just
       Done  in  English,  and notified in writing  on  7  July  2005,
   pursuant to Rule 77 зз 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.
                                                      Christos ROZAKIS
                                                      Santiago QUESADA
                                                      Deputy Registrar

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